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Academic Paper Summary

An academic paper titled GAMIVAL: Video Quality Prediction on Mobile Cloud Gaming Content   written by Chen, et al., in 2023. The mobile cloud gaming industry has increased exponentially. Within this context, a group of specialized people has created a No-Reference Video Quality Assessement (NR QVA), called the Gaming Video Quality Evaluator, also known as GAMIVAL, which improves mobile games performance in Cloud through the use of a suport vector regression (SVR). GAMIVAL promises to achieve superior performance on mobile games. Mobile games became popular throughout the decades, and along with cloud gaming approach, users can play games remotely without the requirement of high specifications. In summary this article seeks to demonstrate how effective is GAMIVAL to increase gaming experience in terms of performance to gaming distorted scenes.  Reference(s):  Chen, Yu-Chih, et al. (2023) GAMIVAL: Video Quality Prediction on Mobile Cloud Gaming Content.  IEEE, pp 324-326 

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