Software (Overview)


(ANIRUDH, 2021)

''Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. It is the opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer. Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. It can be thought of as the variable part of a computer, while hardware is the invariable part'' (Rosencrance, 2021, para. 1).

An Amazon Web Services whitepaper, published in 2023, shows that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a collection of online services that are available globally. These services include things like computing power, storage space, databases, analytics tools, network connections, mobile app development tools, management tools, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, security features, and applications for businesses. You can use these services whenever you need them, and they become accessible within seconds. The pricing is based on how much you use, so you only pay for what you actually use. There are over 200 different services offered by AWS, ranging from managing data to deploying software tools. You can quickly start using new services without having to spend a lot of money upfront. This is beneficial for all kinds of businesses, from large companies to small startups, as well as government organizations, because it allows them to adapt to changing business needs more easily. This document gives you an overview of the advantages of using the AWS Cloud and introduces you to the various services available on the platform.


ANIRUDH (2021) Amazon packages Available at: Two boxes of amazon are stacked on top of each other photo – Free Render Image on Unsplash (Accessed: 01/05/2023)

Rosencrance, L (2021) TechTarget Available at: What is Software? Definition, Types and Examples ( (Accessed: 01/05/2023)

Amazon (2023) Overview of Amazon Web Services AWS Whitepaper (pg.09)


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