(Dan, 2019)

Hello again readers! I am Jarel Costa a huge Games and Technology fan, and believe, I know thoroughly about any game. For like Games and Technology, I chose to study Software Engineering and go study overseas was ever for me an intent when child, and I am having the opportunity to realize it in De Montfort University. 

Naturally, De Montfort University is eye-catching, only seeing it on YouTube videos. Not only its attractiveness is one of the main points, but also its easy accessibility, without forget to mention the well equipped classrooms and halls in buildings. Comparably speaking, De Montfort University shows an incomparable accessibility either in terms of expenses or adaptability, for be based in a small city, talk to people with the purpose of get help and directions is common and I think it's positive. In addition to it, De Montfort University has a slight quicker email response, besides it, a considerable number of buildings fully and properly equipped to attend classes.

I am convinced that these full equipped classrooms are perfect for my chosen course, for I will register in Software Engineering in months. Why did I choose that? Simply, I would not exchange nothing for what I like most, Games and Technology. We can not underestimate games, they are software as well, and they will make part of the whole future or even world eternity. Therefore, I am convinced that finishing my Software Engineering BSc I will be proficient and capable of creating games and proper software.

Studying Software Engineering in De Montfort University, I believe that this experience will provide to me a number of capabilities, such as leadership in order to carry out projects, software development project management, a deep understanding of software creation. This way I see myself in 5 years working for a Technology Multinational Company, such as Microsoft, IBM or Meta.


Dan, O (2019) Lettering Available at: Black hello text decor photo – Free Word Image on Unsplash (Accessed 15/05/2023)


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