(Rahmani, 2020)

As an interested for technology, I have handled with photo and video editing software before, such as Canva, Photoshop, Sony Vegas, Wondershare Filmora and Adobe Premier. 7 years ago I had made a Video Games Channel, in which I used many editing programs, to have an idea, I used more than 10 programs, and around 3 sites that helped be remving images backgrounds, all this with the purpose of upload the videos with the best audio and video quality. 

Years ago, I lived surrounded of uncountable software, DVD burn softwares, uncommon games installers, file unlockers software, I could spend whole day listing much of them. But beyond all software I've used, I have chosen Duolingo (the famous language learning app) to better my grammar, in which I have learned many adverbs, prepositions and new words.

As I said previously, I lived surrounded of softwares but to be honest I do not have such knowledge about programming, but a little bit. YouTube was the perfect place for learning and I chose it with the purpose of learn Python and JavaScript. With YouTube videos I experienced some Python and JavaScript programming lessons on ''Curso em Vídeo'' Channel tutored by ''Gustavo Guanabara'', which is a channel teaching largely about many types of  programming languages and themes related to technology. In certain way, those videos helped me comprehending some programming languages patterns. Variables, strings, float and bowl numbers, simple concepts from programming languages.

It's very likely that in De Montfort University we should use the trinity of the languages (JavaScript, HTML, CSS), as we are going to delve in the Web Application Development module, furthermore, very likely C, for we will interact with objects. As time goes by, I believe that learning more of these languages could mold us to create properly sites and software. It will be easy to lead with, as I learn fast and I have a long experience downloading, testing and using software.


Mohammad Rahmani (2020) black samsung flat screen computer monitor photo Available at: https://unsplash.com/photos/LrxSl4ZxoRs (Accessed: 26 April 2023)


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