Diagram 2


A web application is an intricate software system composed of various elements such as the user interface, a login page, an integrated store, a database, and so on. In order to coordinate these elements, software engineers have developed a structure known as web application architecture. This framework provides a logical layout that details the associations and interaction methods among all these components in a web application (Dabbs, 2019).

The front-end, or client-side, comprises all elements a user engages with in their browser, primarily aiming to gather user data. This interface is crafted using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Dabbs, 2019).

''Next, we have the back-end, also known as the server-side of the app. It is the part, which is not accessible by users; it stores and manipulates data. The backend processes HTTP requests which essentially “fetch” the data (text, images, files, etc.) called for by the user. Unlike the frontend, many languages like PHP, Java, Python, JavaScript, and others can be used to write the backend of a Web Application'' (Dabbs, 2019, para. 8).

References list:


Dabbs, M (2019) Reinvently Available at: How Web Apps Work - Web Application Architecture Simplified | Reinvently (Accessed in: 01/06/2023)


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