INITIAL IDEA 1 (Database Design and Implementation)

Database Design and Implementation

''Database systems play an important role in the computer industry. Some database systems (such as Oracle) are enormously complex and typically run on large, high-end machines. Others (such as SQLite) are small, streamlined, and intended for the storage of application-specific data'' (Sciore, 2020, pg.1).

As regards the range of uses, databases have similar features. Moreover, database implementation consists on database software installation, performing, configuration and customization, i.e., the main point concerning databases is the organization of data (Sciore, 2020)

(Gottwald, 2022)


What Are the Different Types of Databases? 

In modern life, databases are an essential part of companies' standards. Undoubtedly, without them, several computer functions would not work. For people that relies on storing information whether in computer or servers, thus they need to understand different types of databases (Indeed, 2022).

-Relational databases: Using this type of database, information is stored structured about other data. For example, the relation between a person shopping online and his / her shopping cart.

-Object-oriented databases: Object-oriented databases are those in which data is presented as objects and classes. An item is simply an object, such as a name or phone number, while a class is a group of objects.

-NoSQL databases: A NoSQL Database has a hierarchy similar to a file folder system and the data within it is ''unstructured'', or ''non-relational. 

What Are the Database Applications?

The main purpose of database applications is to provide a way for data to be consumed either by end users (via UI) or other higher-level applications (via APIs). A database application can be used for storing or retrieving data, processing transactions, or various machine learning calculations (MongoDB, 2023).

As regards database application, we can consider two things:

1-It refers to software running a database system.

2-It can refer to applications that are heavily coupled to a specific database and built to provide elements of that database to the end user.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Databases

Utilizing an information base methodology can give your business a wide scope of benefits, advantages, and benefits. It sets aside your cash, assists you with fulfilling your clients, and tells you the best way to develop your organization. (NcertBooks, 2022)

Such advantages are known as:

1-Further developed information sharing;

2-Further developed information security;

3-Better information reconciliation.

Regarding disadvantages we can quote:

1-Keeping up with money;

2-Regular update/substitution cycles;

3-Expanded expenses.


Leif Cristoph Gottwald (2022) a bunch of television screens hanging from the ceiling photo. Available at:A bunch of television screens hanging from the ceiling photo – Free Blockchain Image on Unsplash (Accessed 25 April 2023)

Edward Sciore (2020), Database Design and Implementation 2nd Edition [Online]. Available at: Database Design and Implementation: Second Edition | SpringerLink (Accessed: 20 April 2023)

Freecodecamp (2019) Freecodecamp Available at: What Is Game Development? ( (Accessed: 20 April 2023)

Indeed Editorial Team (2022) Indeed Available at: What Are the Different Types of Databases? | (Accessed: 21 April 2023)

MongoDB (2023) MongoDB Available at:What Is A Database Application? | MongoDB (Accessed: 21 April 2023)

Ram (2022) Ncertbooks Available at: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Database | What are the Advantages And Disadvantages Of Database? - NCERT Books (Accessed: 21 April 2023)


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