Major Project Plan

(Sikema, 2022)

First, you might be wondering what could be a Major Project Plan. In fact, projects need plans and plans well defined, organized and implemented. There are many elements that project plans involve, such as scheduling, planning tasks to do, and setting measurable goals (Luthkevich, 2021). To carry out a project it is necessary Gantt charts, cause the same help to distribute time in blocks of actions, without their usage, complete tasks can be highly difficult to accomplish. My Major Project Plan addresses timeline aspects, the total number of journal articles and sites I have used, and further, my goals throughout the weeks.

For my Major Project Theme, I had chosen the topic Web Application Development, in which I addressed the main elements of Web Applications, and what they include, they are the front end and back end interfaces. As obligatory, over time I intend to add more additional content to my Major Project Theme and talk about other enclosed areas within Web Application Development in addition to the previous ones I have addressed. Regarding my time aspects, I have used Pomodoro Technique as a time management approach, and the completion of my Major Project has taken days. To be more specific, I took 9 days to complete it, which started from 05th May to 14th May. Moreover, I referenced 6 sources, in which 2 of them are YouTube videos I used as guides for my Major Project. Furthermore, Codecademy, TechTarget, and CERN websites were my other sources for research, although I have read books as well, with the intention of getting a better insight of my theme.

The Major Project work counts with my 6 paragraphs, in which the first and second ones give background and context of the theme. The third paragraph treats what in fact is a Web Application, citing and describing that interactivity is the essential element in a Web Application. The fourth and fifth ones give a concise explanation along with examples of what refers back end and front end interfaces. And further, the last paragraph sum up and conclude the work. As I previously referred, as time goes by, my Major Project Theme will be filled up with other content and if needed, updated and restructured. 

As regards my goals, I let listed the elements I seek to achieve: 

-Have a better understanding of my theme.

-A better capability of searching and to research. 

-Combine Time Management Techniques with the CSR tasks efficiently.  

In summary, we can not forget that Project Plans are essential to execute and realize a long-term aim, besides that, I add the fact that objectives must be included. So far, my Major Project Plan is going as I expected it goes, and I am convinced have used legit sources, with no errors regarding grammar or misspellings.  


References list:

Lutkevich, B (2021) TechTarget Available at: Project Planning: What is it and Steps to Create a Plan | SearchCIO ( (Accessed: 15/05/2023)

Sikema, K (2020) UX Work: Woman's hands drawing a wireframe Available at: Person writing on white paper photo – Free Hands Image on Unsplash (Accessed: 15/05/2023)


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